I've been sending emails and direct messages asking if people would give me feedback on my next step and I will send the link when it's ready. So far, I've been getting great responses. I wonder what people will say when I send them the Kickstarter preview page? I'm really happy with the way it's coming together, thanks to Michael Zelig's help from Start Motion Media. Michael is a crowd sourcing expert and filmmaker I hired to help me with this project.
My transiting astrology is prime for the timing. My Saturn return is happening and Jupiter and Pluto are all in my 10th house. The 10th house is the house of career. My natal Saturn and Jupiter are also on my mid-heaven which has to do with career, and they are coming into conjunction, which is a very positive aspect. Saturn is the planet that makes you focus and is a task maker. Jupiter is the benefactor planet that has to do with expansion and money. Pluto represents death and rebirth and transformation. Sounds like I'm in for a ride!