- Breaking the ice: Our ice-breaker game was: ‘Guess the important woman from history on your back.” This time it was a little easier because I passed around a couple of sheets with the list of possible names.
- How big was it? With the biggest attendance, our circle stretched out around the whole perimeter of the dance floor! And that’s a 1,000 square foot room!
- How did we manage it? We had to break up into three circles for our sharing so everyone would get a chance to share. That was a first!
- Where are we coming from? Going around the circle, I learned that most of the new women had come because a friend invited them. This was fascinating to me. Two months ago, when I asked for the first time how the new women had heard of us, it was Facebook. The next month it was Meetup. This month it was friends!
- Who did we honor and celebrate? Our theme this month was Hera, goddess of women and marriage.
- We had a very special guest: Sonia Miller (http://www.successforthesoul.com/) who led the meditation and facilitated the activity and sharing. Sonia is a very wise woman and an amazing teacher/coach. One of her specialties is relationships. Her knowledge was perfect for our theme.
- We danced! We did the scarf dance after the ceremony which brought lots of giggles and smiles.
- More dancing! A young Moroccan woman named Sophia led us in an impromptu belly dancing lesson after the scarf dance.
- Reflected and connected with Spirit: Oracle card readings and deep discussions continued into the night.
We had some rich, deep sharing and felt such love and support from the big crowd that showed up, vowing to come again. Was it a fluke? Shall we limit the number of tickets? How can we move forward and accommodate that many comfortably? Shall we have 2 Red Tents per month? These are all questions that are currently churning in my head.