Sometime after 1896, suffragette Alice Stone Blackwell wrote this list of 16 reasons women should be given the right to vote. Among the many excellent reasons: “Because the moral, educational, and humane legislation desired by women would be got more easily if women had votes…. Because laws unjust to women would be amended more quickly.... Because it would increase the moral and law-abiding vote very much, while increasing the vicious and criminal vote very little.” We HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE NOW! Let’s use it!!!!
I’ll admit I’m guilty of not voting much when I was younger. I never got into politics and didn’t have the energy to try and figure out who or what to vote for when it came down to it. The older I got -- and special thanks to the awful administration in power now -- the more I saw the importance of it. Now there are multiple sources to help us with voting, in case your excuse to not vote is that it could be very confusing. Take any local publication that you read and align with. Most of them will publish their opinions on who and what to vote for. From their explanations, you can do a little more research and make your own decisions. Research is so easy now with the internet! Just please make sure your information is coming from a trusted source.
In an editorial piece written for the Hearst newspapers in 1917, the writer was spot on when he said the following:
“When women shall vote, the political influence of the good men in the community will be greatly increased. There is no doubt whatever that women, in their voting, will be influenced by the men whom they know. But there is also no doubt that they will be influenced by the GOOD men whom they know. Men can deceive each other much more easily than they can deceive women -- the latter being providentially provided with the X-ray of intuitional perception.”
And then there’s the issue of there not being enough women in politics. If we want to see more women representing us, we have to vote them in.
Please let our excellent judgment and influence not go to waste! Please help upend the patriarchy and VOTE!